2014-05-20 TRC Business Meeting Minutes [amended] Called to order at: 7:55 pm. Members present: Darin McGrew, Dave Moen, Michelle McGrew, Dean Stanton, Ed Slintak, Ric Goldman (remote for part of meeting). Agenda for current meeting: Approved as amended. Minutes from March meeting: Approved as amended Minutes from earlier meetings: * June 2013: Approved as amended, pending handout from treasurer - AI: Ed to email handout to Michelle. * February 2013: Approved as amended, pending treasurer's report - AI: Ed to email the report to Michelle. OFFICERS' REPORTS * President: - No report. * Vice President: - No report. * Secretary: - No report. * Treasurer: - April's report: - 14 cars for April's DETOURs rallye. Because Dave didn't request reimbursement (esp. for printing), it didn't lose money. - Our new entry rates caused all non-members to join! Non-member revenue limit will probably be no problem this year. - Both budget versions predict that we'd obtain a Taxpayer ID number (and have some expenses to do so), but no recent progress. - Dean reduced the projected expense to buy 2013 Championship awards. - Approval of revised budget was postponed to May's meeting as April's meeting was canceled due to lack of quorum. - May's report: - 3 of 14 cars for May's rallye used coupons, so the rallye had a $57 loss. Coupons displace more dollars now that our entry fees went up. - The budget update expects a slightly positive cash flow. - AI: Ed to email treasurer's reports for February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December 2013 to TRC-Business. - AI: Ed to email treasurer's reports to Michelle for inclusion in the minutes. - AI: Ed to let Membership Chair know the number of paid memberships and associates for 2013. - AI: Ed to report the member vs nonmember percentage of income for 2013. COMMITTEE REPORTS * Insurance: - The June insurance has been paid and the insurance certificate received. - Once we get a tax ID, we should be able to investigate alternative sources for insurance (and perhaps, an interest-bearing checking account). - Our insurance does not cover motorcycles, or events longer than 50 miles. - Done: Dean and Darin updated Draft Gimmick Rallye Rules, as well as other wiki documents. * Membership (Steve Hartwell): - AI: Steve to update the database with info from Membership Rallye in time for the next mailing. - The last two mailings have used an old mailing list with bounced addresses removed. It would be nice to include newer addresses to encourage attendance of beginners and novices who have started rallying since the last mailing list update. - AI: Darin to email more bounced card info to Steve H. * Publicity (Mel): - Cris sent Dean artwork for membership or First Timer cards. - AI: Dean to print the updated cards. - AI: Mel to email trc-business better wording to describe gimmick rallyes. - AI: Mel to revise the draft of the "How You Can Help" brochure to hand out at the finish for a future rallye.  - Mel has a draft of this and will share it on Google Drive with the Board/officers. * 2013 Championship - Results (and awards) were not ready for May. - AI: Darin to contact Nick to discuss design for par plaque championship awards; use standard size par plaque. - AI: Darin to update Championship results. - AI: Darin to figure out where the breaks are in Championship standings for awards (need info ASAP). - AI: Darin to post without names to TRC-Business so we can see where break is. - Given status of 2013 championship, decided there would be No 2014 championship: - Dropped: Darin to revise Championship Rules so we can approve them at the next meeting (describe "general" and "rookie" classes better, better define "worker", explain how one becomes "championship subscriber", clarify cancellation policy). * Webmaster - Verify that Steve W. has appropriate access to the new site. (We think he does, but need to confirm.) - If not, AI: Steve H. to resend Steve W. access info for new web site. PAST EVENT(S) REPORT - AI: Mel to give Dean the insurance sheets from a couple months ago. * 2013-11-02 The A Team Returns Again (John Kleder, early start) - AI: Steve H. to email results to participants. * 2013-12-07 Toy Rallye 2013 (Darin, A-B, early start) - Score Sheets: pending * 2014-02-01 The Road to Sochi (Cris & Dave G., AB/QA Membership Rallye) - Score sheets: pending. - AI: Michelle to Ping Dave/Cris for these. * 2014-03-01 The Dog Run (Mel, AB, includes unmanned CPs) - Results: posted. - Scoresheets: Pending. * 2014-04-05 Life Is Full of Detours (Dave M., 3 pm start, CM) - Report: - Rallye went well. 1 protest, granted. No need for protest committee as the only protest was granted and did not affect standings. - Rallye was more difficult than expected. - 14 cars? - AI: Dave M. to email report. - Results: pending. - Scoresheets: pending. - CMs: down. * 2014-05-03 Mayday, Mayday! (Darin, 3 pm start, AB) - Registrar: Dean - Neighborhood: Mountain View - Compdir: Abby - Report: - 14 cars: 1 first-timer car, 1 novice car, and 12 upper division (senior, expert, and master) cars - the favorite gimmicks were RI 49 (A, B, and C parts; after marking C, do A) and the Mayday Instruction for Vincent remaining in effect - the least favorite gimmicks were CP 33 (protest granted to all cars) and penalizing rallyists "twice" if they missed turning right for Vincent the first time - there were 5 denied protests, and 1 granted to all cars - Results: pending - Scoresheets: pending NEXT EVENT(S) REPORT * 2014-06-07 Stuck in the 60's (Don Bess, 3 pm start, CM) - Don requests help from the club with the following: - Putting up CMs: Steve H. - AI: Don, Mel, and Steve H. to coordinate - Taking Down CMs: Clayton and ??? - CP workers: - Rochelle to staff start CP. - Reduced on-route CPs from 2 to 1; Mel and Steve H. to staff this one. - Someone to put on the Rallye School: Mel - Precheckers: Mel, Ed, ??? - Start listed on postcard as 3 pm. - Finish listed on postcard as 8 pm. Perhaps extend to 8:30 pm? - Don's flyers have the 3 pm start and 8:30 pm finish times. - AI?: Darin to discuss possibly starting 2:30, with 7-9 finish (especially if finish is at the Round Table), but would be better not to extend longer if it can be avoided. - Mel has been doing a bunch of prechecking. - Done: Darin to be sure jun2014 is forwarding to Don. - Registrar: Darin/Michelle not able to; Dave checking to see if he can. - Neighborhood: TBD - Compdir: TBD - AI: Darin to check with Abby. * 2014-06-14, 1-3 pm, Rallyemaster class (Darin plus others to help with Q&A) - AI: Darin to Print business card announcement to hand out at June rallye - Have participants tell us the top 3 things they want to learn When they rsvp. - Mel can teach and/or assist with teaching a rallyemaster class in the future but not in June as he is working on his August rallye. * 2014-07-05 TAR9 (Steve H., Cris Wendt, John Kleder, et al., 4pm start) - Dave M. to precheck. - Registrar: Darin/Michelle - Neighborhood: Near Fair Oaks Park, Sunnyvale. - Start at Fair Oaks Park (not Larry's). - Compdir: TBD - AI: Darin to check with Abby. - Having bake sale. - No discount for bringing baked goods. * 2014-08-02 TBD (Mel) - From Mel's email: "I'm way behind on the August rallye (technically, I was behind when I signed up) but will use magic to pull it together. All I need now is a theme, area, gimmicks, and all the materials." * 2014-09-06 TBD (Ed) OPEN DATES - AI: Darin to send email to trc-rm seeking rallyemasters and asking if anyone has the box of old rallyes that Bill is missing, and ask for volunteer to write leg of TAR9. - 2014-10-04 - 2014-11-01 - 2014-12-06 (Darin?) UNFINISHED BUSINESS * Revision of Dues Section of Operating Procedures - AI: Darin to produce Draft Operating Procedures, to keep membership fee at $25 (since $20 is less than the current entry fee) * Old rallyes - AI: Dave M. to see if Bill wants him to store rallyes up here where they are more accessible for rethrowing. * Migration to Google Sites - Done by dean: Steve H. to create wiki page to work out migration plan. - Darin gave Ric access to TRC-wiki; Dean has also given him access. - After much discussion and sorting things out, Ric now has write access to the new site. - There have been problems with some PDFs not opening properly on the new site; don't know why. Ric explained that when he gets PDFs, he opens them, cleans them up, and optimizes them. If this is the issue, we can work out a way to process these. - Discussion as we decided whether to use old or new site: - Decided we want to allow multiple people to be able to edit the site. Need to be sure the appropriate people have access. - Could have master copy of site on a local PC with display copy on the server. Good since copies on the server have gotten corrupted. - FrontPage allows for master copy on server to be updated, but it doesn't have a way to roll back to an earlier version if needed. - Ric uses HTML most of the time when he's editing. - Could drive editing through new site... - Ric willing to be webmaster on old or new site. May need to ask questions about how to do some things. - Ric prefers old technology but is willing to move to new site if Board prefers. - Approved: moving to new site. - AI: Everyone to look at the migration plan that Dean posted on the old wiki page. * Tax ID - AI: Darin to send new officer list to the state. - AI: Ric to work on getting TRC its 501(c)7 tax ID. - AI: Darin to transfer information to Ric so he can do this. * Tax Return for 2013: - We need a plan for how we will determine our 2013 income. B of A does not provide free online access to statements that are that old. Dean doesn't think he has a complete set of statements or check carbons for what we spent in 2013. Any ideas, 2013 treasurer? * Feedback form - AI: Darin to contact Ric regarding feedback form - Rename this as "we miss you" and put on main page - AI: Ric to implement and add links to calendar page. * Eval Cards - Update questions - AI: Darin to put new eval cards on wiki and solicit feedback. - AI: Darin to print more eval cards as needed. * Board & Bungee Technique for CMs - AI: Clayton to test sleeve design (board & bungee) on aggregate poles. - AI: Michelle to remind him to test this. * Definition of "life-time membership" - Darin found pieces and discussion about the membership policy in old Minutes, but could not find the policy itself. - AI: Darin to recreate membership policy and post on wiki for discussion and update so we can approve at the June meeting. - Life members are currently nonvoting members; will need to update once membership policy is recreated. - Dean found some notes on this; Dean and Darin to coordinate. * Simplify Registrar Duties - AI: Steve H. to update the Wiki page with registrar instruction priorities. * Redwood City location (Harry's Hofbrau) for business meetings - Ongoing AI: Dave M. to call each month at 6 to have tables set up. - Dave M. says we no longer need to list this item. - Done by Ric: Mel to post to Facebook that we are meeting here. - Drop: Bill/Michelle to post new meeting site on TRC-Events. * Survey: - AI: Steve H. to email summary of results. - AI: Steve H. to bring in survey forms when he finishes summary so others can read them. * Draft Gimmick Rallye Rules - Done: Dean and Darin updated Draft Gimmick Rallye Rules as follows: - Under score sheets and scoring, need passenger club affiliation (not just passenger names). - Provide artwork for postcard mailing. - Provide the new web site's announcement page or the info it contains - Approved: Draft Gimmick Rallye Rules (with changes highlighted) presented for approval at the meeting. - AI: Darin to update rallye rules to reflect approved drafted wording * Registration - AI: Steve H. to produce list of members for June rallye registrar. - AI: Mel to draw up revised dues language for next meeting. * Double Clipboards - Dean purchased 12 double clipboards. - MSRP for individual clipboards is $11.48. They cost us less than $10 each, plus the intangible cost of maintaining this "inventory". - What price should we charge? - AI: Dave M. to check with Keith to see if we can put a nice TRC logo on it. - Approved price: $15 with logo, $12 without. - Email those who signed up on the waiting list. NEW BUSINESS * 2014 Championship? - No championship. * Updated Budget - Further amendments? - Purchased clipboards, but don't need to add to revised budget. - Approved revised budget. * Waiver Signatures - AI: Steve H. to send email to those not following policy to remind them that they cannot run without signing the insurance waiver as this is a requirement of our insurance policy. * Printing Policy - Darin accidentally printed the extra reg packs duplex. Dean (as registrar) heard no complaints. Perhaps we should continue to print them duplex, to keep down the cost of printing these. Since we now give these free, we shouldn't get many complaints. - On the other hand, someone who cared might ask for an extra packet; that would consume our savings. - 20 packets, 6 pages each, are $10.80. 20 packets, 3 duplex sheets each, are $6.00 - AI: Darin to add summary to wiki allowing but not requiring duplex for extra packets. ANNOUNCEMENTS: * Adjourned at: 11 pm. * Next meeting: 7:30pm, June 17, 2014 at Harry's Hofbrau, 1909 El Camino Real, Redwood City. Respectfully submitted, Michelle McGrew