2013-02-19 TRC Business Meeting Minutes Called to order at: 7:55 pm. Members present: Darin McGrew, Michelle McGrew, Ed Slintak, Dean Stanton, Bill Jonesi, Steve Hartwell, Cris Wendt, John Kleder. Agenda for current meeting: Approved as amended Minutes from previous meeting: Approved as amended OFFICERS' REPORTS * President: No report. * Vice President: No report. * Secretary: No report. * Treasurer: - AI: Ed to email treasurer's report to Michelle for inclusion in the Minutes. - AI: Update signature card. COMMITTEE REPORTS * Insurance: - Cris has checks to pay for insurance for March and April, and for the insurance premium that we owe ESCA (based on 35 members). - Done: Cris to talk to ESCA about reducing insurance premium since we only have 35 members (not 50). - Done: Michelle to let cris know about above AI re ESCA. * Membership: - AI: Steve to update the database before March rallye (include memberships from February Membership Rallye and updates from returned mailings). * Publicity - Next mailing: March; prepare at March meeting. (more info below) - Appoint publicity chair. Discussed duties. Steve accepted position. - AI: Michelle to initiate transfer of stamps from Teresa - AI: Steve to work out how to get database info to Bill so he can recruit rallyemasters. - Done: January mailing (Darin to print, Darin and Michelle to prepare for mailing and mail; include: Feb, March, April, and May rallye flyers, Championship announcement, and calendar). * Championship - AI: Bill to revise Championship Rules so we can approve them at March meeting (describe "general" and "rookie" classes better, better define "worker", explain how one becomes "championship subscriber", clarify cancellation policy). - Done: Bill to get paragraph about championship for mailing to Darin by Saturday, Jan 19. Email to TRC-business for approval. - Due to time constraints, the paragraph was edited by Darin, Michelle, and Dean, then Emailed to TRC-business. - Five members specifically signed up as members so they could participate in Championship. * TSD Update: No update. PAST EVENT(S) REPORT * 2012-07-07 Amazing Rallye 7 (Teresa, Nick and Zak Stefanisko, Jeffrey) - Results: posted - Done? AI: Teresa to deliver results to Ric, et al - Scoresheets pending - AI: Michelle to get score sheets from Teresa. * 2012-09-01 There are no Ts in Rallye (Teresa & Nick Stefanisko) - Report pending - Results: posted - Scoresheets pending - AI: Michelle to get score sheets from Teresa. * 2012-10-06 Monster Mash: Ghost Chasers (Mel Nicholson) - Report pending - Scoresheets pending - AI: Dave to again encourage Mel to complete these actions. * 2013-02-02 Groundhog Day (Cris & Dave, Membership Rallye, A-B/QA) - Results: posted. - Report: - The rallye only had 18 cars - Feedback was good on the rallye except for roads being busy and signs being hard to see - Several protests - One ME got wrong slip at a CP which messed up several gimmicks - Suggestion: Have registration cards that are left at start containing names, class, clubs, and cell phone numbers. This allows finish to get started on scoring setup and lets workers call contestants such as the one missing from a CP - Scoresheets pending NEXT EVENT(S) REPORT * 2013-03-02 A-B Classroom School & School Rallye (Bill Jonesi) - AI: Ed and Darin/Michelle to precheck. - AI: Nick to get awards and par plaques to someone (Bill?) before rallye. - Still not sure if they'll be using the classroom or the garage at Larry's for the school. No one currently preregistered. - registrar: Dave? Otherwise, we'll email. - neighborhood: Sunnyvale (west of Jake's of Sunnyvale) - compdir: TBD If Abby isn't available, then Darin will need to do this as Bill is the Rallyemaster and Cris has another commitment that evening. * 2013-04-06 Let's "Three-Peat" (Dave Moen, CM): - Report Emailed: "it will be written by the end of this month and ready for precheck by March 14." - registrar: Dean? - neighborhood: Sunnyvale (Java, Caribbean). - compdir: TBD * 2013-05-04 Iron Man (John Kleder, early start, A-B) - Report: Worked on it today; still more to write, but making progress. - registrar: TBD - neighborhood: East Mountain View and Sunnyvale (Mary, Bernardo). - compdir: TBD * 2013-06-01 TBD (Darin, A-B) - registrar: TBD - neighborhood: TBD - compdir: TBD - AI: Need flyer by March 15. OPEN DATES - Potential RMs: Ed Slintak, Ken Schott, John Kleder (depending on how May rallye goes). * 2013-07-06 - Will Teresa consider TAR8? If not, perhaps Bill will do something? - AI: Steve to let Teresa know he and Clayton interested in being rallyemasters. - AI: Need flyer for the mailing by March 15. * 2013-08-03 * 2013-09-07 * 2013-10-05 Monster Mash 2013 * 2013-11-02 * 2013-12-07 Toy Rallye 2013 UNFINISHED BUSINESS * Web Site-Wiki vs Non Wiki: - Agreed to Add a "Webmaster" report to the Committee Reports section. - Done: we need to better secure the Wiki (only members allowed to update) - AI: Get access and review (or further develop) Steve Hartwell's Google Site prototype - AI: Darin to email Michelle URL to above prototype to check for accessibility. - AI: Assess what's involved in going from HTML to Wiki or Sites - Done: Dean to review both the Wiki and HTML, looking for duplicates or out-of-sync conditions - AI: Darin to email current officer list to Ric for updating on TRC website. - APROVED: Request for board approval: Simplify maintenance by allowing "non-TRC" pages back under our domain as long as they explicitly state that they *are* non-TRC (this item not yet discussed by the Board due to time limitations) - Regarding this item, Ric adds: The overall impression is that this is not a high-priority activity given the relatively few updates we are doing on the site other than the calendar. * Board Members & E-mail - AI: Darin to follow up with Ed and Mel on trc-rm - Done: Darin requested hartwell@therallyeclub.org for Steve Hartwell * Operating Procedures (updated per February 2010 decision) - Done: We need to update the official PDF version, or update the links to refer to the wiki version. - Done: Dean asked Ric to update PDF or links - Done: Ric to update PDF or links * Tax ID - AI: Darin to identify next step. - AI: Darin to file tax forms. * Feedback form - Approved: have Ric implement feedback form and add links to calendar page - AI: Darin to contact Ric re: feedback form * Eval Cards - The questions from the eval cards are on the wiki - AI: Darin to solicit feedback * SAP Gimmicks - AI: Bill drafted updated proposal for rallye rules specifying ambiguous intersections; awaiting additional feedback before presenting to board. - AI: Bill to Email updated proposal for rallye rules to trc-business by March 15. * Beginners' Protests - AI: Cris to draft proposed language, expressing the desire of TRC to be lenient in interpreting beginners' protests if there is some reasonable logic in the protest. - AI: Cris to Submit proposed language to trc-business before March 15. * Wiki: description of board & bungee technique for CMs - AI: Darin to update CM page with photos of board & bungee technique * Competition Director - Done: Dean to send email to Abby about our concerns about Competition Director duties. - Dean emailed Abby, but received no response. - AI: Darin to contact Abby to figure out who is compdir for March and to sort out these issues. * Domain renewal(s) for TheRallyeClub.org and TheRallyClub.org - Done: Dave to let Steve know we want to keep both domains so a competing club, etc., doesn't get it. NEW BUSINESS * Bill's concerns about bylaws & operating procedures * Twitter - AI: Darin to contact Teresa re how we use this when she's not at a rallye / Figure out how to enable rallyemasters to use it. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Game Control Summit: March 3, at Google. Contact Bill for details. * Adjourned at: 9:25 pm. * Next meeting at 7:30pm, March 19, 2013 at Round Table, 4400 Stevens Creek.